
Tuesday, October 23, 2012


We’re continuing our look at the Lord’s indictment against Israel:

“Surely the eyes of the Sovereign Lord are on the sinful kingdom. I will destroy it from the face of the earth – yet I will not totally destroy the house of Jacob”
(Amos 9:8).

“The eyes of the Sovereign Lord”
see everything and everyone. No sin is hidden from Him, no matter how many people are fooled by the front a person puts on. Israel may have done a fine job of looking “religious,” but God knew that their hearts were far from Him. And even though He did and does show enormous patience, He eventually is left with no choice but to render discipline on the wayward person or nation.

But weren’t there some “good” people in Israel? Certainly; including the prophet Amos. But sin is never contained. It spreads like gangrene and it contaminates all who come in contact with it. The alcoholic or drug addict parent causes untold grief for their spouses, children and other family members and friends. The money-holic who keeps his or her family buried in debt does likewise. And sin is sin. God is no more pleased with the irresponsible money manager than He is with the alcoholic or drug addict.

Yet He also reminds us of His mercy. Even though the nation of Israel was sinful, He promised not to “destroy it” completely. And He goes on to make a very important additional statement:

“All the sinners among My people will die by the sword” (Amos 9:10a).

That may not sound too cheery, but look at this verse carefully. While the whole country may suffer greatly for their corporate/collective sin, the emphasis here is on individual accountability: “All the sinners.”

God is patient and loving and merciful, but He will only allow so much disobedience from a person or a nation who claims to belong to Him. The United States is in a heap of trouble, folks. Why? The individual believers are doing little or nothing to reach others with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Mormonism and Islam/Muslimism are our fastest growing religions simply because the followers of those faiths are actively inviting others to know more about what they believe in.

How about you? Yesterday is past; let’s talk about today. Who is coming to faith in Jesus Christ because of your witness? How many people will you share the Good News with this week? What does your life this very day tell others about Jesus? I pray that your walk and talk draw others to Him.

Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture is from the New International Version (NIV).

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